Thursday, October 20, 2011

Make Payments Online

It is Easy!

Make your donation online using our district website.  Make sure you choose the school you would like to donate to and where you would like the funds to go.
  • Manageable payments
  • Safe
  • Saves time
  • Benifits the schools
Tax Credit Pay Here

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Quick Info

Did You Know that We Can Use Our Tax Money to Improve Our School?
You decide how your tax money is spent.
  • The State of Arizona will allow you to make a donation to ASU Prep now and you may be able to subtract the total from your state income tax.
  • It’s easy. Just fill out the form directing your donation of up to $400, (married, filing jointly) or $200, (single) to the school and activity of your choice.  You will receive a receipt.
  • Claim this on your State of Arizona taxes using Form 322.  This is a one-for-one tax credit, which means that you receive a credit of $400 on your Arizona taxes (assuming a donation of $400 – married, filing jointly).
  • ASU Prep benefits through your tax credit contributions.  Every Arizona resident may participate and direct their donation to ASU Prep, so tell your friends and family, neighbors and co-workers. 
  • Do the simple math.  What if each family at the school gave $400?  What if each set of grandparents gave $400?

Elemantary Classroom Wish List